Full Land Due Diligence Services
Buildable’s comprehensive 26-point Land Report will give you piece of mind and protect your investment.
Ensure your lot is buildable with our expert Land Report, starting at $15k.
Buying land is very different than buying a home.
Don’t risk going it alone.
Buildable is an A & B licensed general contractor based out of San Diego, CA.
Mark Twain once said, “Buy land; they're not making it anymore.” However, the county, cities, and local authorities are passing new regulations that could turn your dream home build into a nightmare.
Our expert team at Buildable will conduct a 26-point review of your lot to ensure it’s buildable, improvements are aligned to your budget, and the site will support your vision.
In 30 days or less, Buildable will provide you with a complete picture of the lot without all the hassle, confusion, and risk of doing it yourself.
Buying land or want to develop your lot?
A land report not only identifies potential pitfalls, but can give you the information you need to be more strategic, saving time and money.
What’s in a Land Report?
Buildable will review over 26 critical items that could make your lot a great investment or worthless.
Setbacks & Height Restrictions
Maximum Building Coverage
Tax Rate
Fire Department Regulations
Drainage Requirements
Construction Access
Water District & Connection
Electric & Connection
Natural Gas / Propane Availability
Sewer/Septic Availability
Fire District Review
Flood Zone and Impact
Coastal Commission
Environmental Requirements
Cultural Impacts & Limitations
ADU Requirements
Solar Rating
School Districts & Fees
And more...
Do you have time to talk to every municipality, agency, and utility company?
Do you know the right questions to ask?
How much will it cost to build?
Use our free calculator to get your all-in costs, including land and build.
Mitigate your risk by evaluating land and answering critical questions.
Is the lot buildable?
Are the boundaries clearly and accurately marked?
Can the seller provide title for the property?
Is it zoned for the type and size of house you are planning?
Where can you build on the site?
Does the desired house plan violate any rules: setbacks or other zoning restrictions?
Is there legal access by road or right-of-way?
Is the road privately maintained?
Are there any easements for ingress/egress or other?
Is there adequate construction access to build?
Are there any liens, rights-of-way, easements, covenants, or other deed restrictions or encroachments on the property?
Are there building restrictions due to wetlands, water, slopes, historical or cultural sites, or other local, state, or federal regulations?
Was the land formerly used to store chemicals that you will need to remedy?
Does all or part of the lot lie in a floodplain?
Are there any endangered or protected species on the property?
Is there adequate access for construction equipment?
Are there problem soils, including expansive clay, uncompacted fill, or ledge that may require blasting?
Is lot subject to flooding?
Are there steep slopes or unstable land that requires special engineered foundations?
Will you need to import or export dirt?
Will the topography add increased construction costs?
Is the area subject to erosion that will need stabilization?
Will the lot support your vision for a home?
Are there HOA requirements?
Will the nature of the lot require a special design?
Is there power to the lot? Where is it located?
Is there water on the lot, or will it require a well?
Is there sewer access for the lot, or will it require septic?
Is high-speed internet available on the site?
What are the connection fees for utilities, including cable, phone, electric, gas, and sewer?
If the lot requires septic, does it perc or will an advanced system be needed?
Is there a fire hydrant nearby?
Is the total cost (lot + improvements + build) aligned with the neighborhood?
Is the lot being sold with a survey?
Is the lot being sold with a soils report?
How long will a road/driveway need to be?
Are there specific landscaping requirements?
Is the lot in a high severity fire zone?
What will it cost to insure?
What are the property taxes?
What are the school fees?
What are the impact fees?
FAQs About Land Due Diligence
What is Land Due Diligence?
The purpose of land due diligence is to confirm the lot you are purchasing will be buildable for your custom home without material issues that could be cost-prohibitive or prevent you from executing your vision. At Buildable, we create a fully customized Land Report, which reviews 26+ risk factors to gather information about the property so you can make the best decision for your family. The process involves reviewing documentation, meeting with stakeholders from local municipalities and agencies, and reviewing necessary improvements. This is a critical step in the process, as you could potentially purchase land that won't be buildable due to a myriad of reasons.
How Long Does a Land Due Diligence Report Take?
Typically the process will take anywhere from 17-45 days. The process can be accelerated if necessary, but there could be external factors outside of your control. Based on the unique nature of the lot, the land report may take up to 60 days.
How Much Does a Land Due Diligence Report Cost?
The cost of a land report can vary based on a number of factors. Schedule a time with us to discuss your needs, and we can provide you with a cost in advance of any work. Here’s a link to schedule a time. Schedule a Land Report Consultation.
When & Why Do I Need a Land Due Diligence Report?
Before you purchase a lot, you’ll need to do your due diligence on it. The seller will never have all the information you need to move forward confidently. We recommend the creation of a Land Report during the due diligence phase of the contract, enabling you to back out of the deal if a critical issue arise. It’s important to talk to us before making an offer as a land report is time intensive, and scheduling could be an issue without planning.